Why your CRM must be in sync with your webshop

Approximately 41 % of all customers think personal service is a crucial element for web shops. But what is personal?
Literally, personal means: belonging to or affecting a particular person rather than anyone else. To offer a personal service, you first need to find out what matters to each of your customers. But how will you remember all that?
CRM gives you the luxury of linking notes and relevant information to specific customers. This way, you can show an interest in your customer whenever he reaches out to you with a question.
Attracting new customers is important, but repeat customers yield more results in the long run. Do you know your customers' buying behaviour? Great! That means you're able to create a relevant offer, to increase your profit. Customers will even appreciate receiving a relevant offer from you.
Everyone likes receiving gifts. Even more if that gift is unexpected, and suits you well. Did a customer just order for the tenth time? Make sure you surprise them in a good way. Send them a useful accessory to go along with that particular order.
With Teamleader, you can easily create exports. These exports help you get more detailed reporting on your customers. Find out, for instance, how much customers spend on average, the average number of orders per customer, which products sell most and much, much more.
This will help you set up more relevant marketing campaigns and improve your purchasing strategy. Do customers spend about € 45 on average? You could offer free shipment starting from € 50 to boost revenue per customer. Does one particular product sell really well? Set up ads to increase your revenue for that particular product even more. In short: your CRM will tell you what the smartest course of action is.
Thanks to Teamleader’s WooCommerce plugin, all customers and orders are automatically added to Teamleader, including the most recent payment status. This means you can simply retrieve customers in your database, add notes and browse orders.
What are you waiting for? Get to know your customers, combine WooCommerce with Teamleader CRM!