Predict your sales revenue with the all-new Forecast Overview

Wondering how much sales revenue you’ll generate in the next three months? Find out in an instant with Teamleader’s brand new Forecast Overview.

Your revenue forecast reflects every other part of your business, from how many people you hire to the targets you set for the year to come.

Yet, for such an important exercise, business owners, sales managers and reps often struggle to forecast accurately. That changes today, with Teamleader’s all-new Forecast Overview!

Revenue forecasts at a glance

The new Forecast Overview of your deals helps you follow up even faster and more efficiently. In one overview, you can see your expected revenue for the next three months. What’s more: you can see at a glance what opportunities you’re missing out on, and easily drag and drop those deals to the months in which you expect them to be closed.

With the new overview, you can see your expected revenue for the next three months at a glance.

The Forecast overview predicts your expected revenue.

Why are we doing this? Product Manager Pieter Reel: “For users that sell, revenue forecasts proved to be the key to a better overview. They serve to set goals, make plans and evaluate performance.”

“This ‘helicopter’ view only became more relevant once we learned the majority of our users manage a large number of small deals. Users invest time by entering information like the probability rate and expected close date of a deal. But of course, it’s up to Teamleader to leverage that data and make that time investment worthwhile. That’s what we’re doing with the Forecast Overview.”

Probability rates, close dates and expected amounts

The new Forecast Overview can be found under Deals > Forecast. ‘But how is that revenue calculated?’, we hear you thinking. This is done based on the expected amount of the deal, the close date and the probability rate.

Deals with a higher chance of success will be listed at the top of the overview. In the left column, you’ll also see deals with a decision date in the past or without a date. These can be important for your forecast, so you can drag them to the right column just like with the Pipeline Overview.

Want to quickly adjust the probability rate and expected close date? Simply click on the deal to open the side panel, and edit the parameters.

Sales forecast side panel

Via the side panel, you can adjust the probability rate and expected close date.

Questions on the new Forecast overview? Be sure to check out the article on our knowledge base. Happy forecasting!

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