Manage multiple company entities in one account

Is your business really versatile, and do you prefer not to limit yourself to only one company entity? Then we have some good news for you: from now on, you’ll be able to bring several entities together in one Teamleader Focus account.

Entrepreneurship is contagious. Once you have a taste for it, a second or third entity of your company may quickly come into existence. This can be an additional service or a new product. It might relate to your original business, or it could be a completely different thing altogether.

Either way, from now on, you can group such company entities together in one Teamleader Focus account. These entities will come in handy on different levels.

Split where necessary

One of the most significant advantages of having multiple entities in one account is that you can manage everything in one place. No need for different software for your different activities, customers, quotations or invoices. Yet you maintain the necessary nuance, without losing the overview.

It’s possible to set up a house style per entity for all your documents, such as quotation and invoice templates. If you send a quotation or invoice from one entity, the visual difference ensures that your customers clearly know which entity they are dealing with.

For each entity, you set the address, VAT number and payment information separately. The invoice numbering is also different for each company entity you add. Accounting? Check!

Moreover, you also send out all communication separately. Each entity has its own email address from which you send quotations, invoices, meeting invitations or separate emails. Would you rather set up a standard invoicing email address? Done.

Multiple company entities are available from the Teamleader BOOST package. You can change your subscription via this page. Want to know more? Feel free to contact us!

Alternative email addresses

As an exciting extra, we’re also introducing alternative email addresses. These are personal email addresses that you can add to your Teamleader profile. Use these to mail quotations or meeting invitations from an alternative email address. This functionality is available for the packages GO, MOVE and BOOST.

  • 28/07/2020
  • Last modified on 25/07/2024

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